Each Sunday for the rest of the year, I will write about one person from the Bible from whom I learnt something very significant this year, 2022. I will write what I learnt based on a statement or a phrase from the Bible. So today, I start with Caleb!
In Numbers 14:24, after the Israelites refused to enter the promised land for fear of giants in the land, GOD said that HE will wipe out the entire generation in the wilderness and raise a new one that will enter the land. However, Joshua and Caleb were exempted because they have different spirit from the rest of the people.
The word ‘spirit’ in that verse is translated as ‘attitude’ in the New Living Translation, so it reads “But my servant Caleb has a different attitude than others...”. The use of the word ‘attitude’ in place of ‘spirit’ made so much difference to me because when we say that Caleb had a different spirit, I would say that I don’t have his spirit and there is nothing I can do about it. But when we say that Caleb had a different attitude, that points me to what I can control – my attitude. I can therefore change my attitude or try to think differently at least.
What was Caleb’s attitude that made him stand out among thousands in his generation and gave him access to the promised land?
What is attitude
Attitude is one of those words we all know what it means but may find it difficult to define. We can easily recognise attitudes of others; from the ones we like and admire to the ones we despise.
Broadly, attitude can be categorised as positive, negative or neutral. It is defined as “a settled way of thinking or feeling about something”; “a mental position with regard to a fact or state”.
From the scriptures in Numbers 14, we can summarise Caleb’s attitude as confident trust in GOD and it is positive. The big question is what is your attitude?
For most of us who want to get ahead, we don’t just admire people with positive attitude, we want to be in the same team or side as they are. We are often annoyed (irritated if I am honest), with neutral or negative attitudes. Occasionally, life throws us a curved ball and pairs us up with negative attitude.
In instances where we have, or believe we have the right attitude while the person or people we relate to do not, we easily blame their attitude for not achieving what we hoped to achieve. But what I have learnt from Caleb’s story is that other peoples’ attitudes may slow you down, but it is your attitude that ultimately determines how far you go or what you accomplish in the end.
Caleb’s Attitude Vs the People’s Attitude
The crux of this blog is that only Caleb and Joshua from over 600,000 men could enter the promised land. For the rest of the people, God took an oath that they will not enter His rest - because of their attitude!
How do we improve our attitude? Hebrews 3:11. We should find out what Caleb’s attitude was and learn from him. We should also find out what the rest of the people did wrong and avoid it, as the Bible advised in Hebrews chapter 3, if we want to enter the rest God has ordained for us.
Caleb had a positive attitude, he was confident in God and trusted God. He followed God wholeheartedly and so made it to the promised land. This is the example to emulate. No mater how challenging the situation, it is our attitude that determines how far we go. Whether you succeed or fail in your endeavours is dependent, primarily, on your attitude, not on other peoples’ attitude.
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